"While Mom's Away," a canvas masterpiece, captures a heartwarming gathering of furry friends that's sure to steal the show in any room. This delightful assembly of canines, with a sole feline friend, is brought to life through vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes, each pet's personality shining through in this joyous canine caper.
From a cozy nook to a grand hallway, find the perfect fit for your abode with sizes ranging from the charming 10x10 to the impressive 36x36 inches. Debby Carman's creation is a symphony of playful poses and furry faces, all perched on an elegant couch that seems to welcome you into their little party. Every canvas is stretched with care, ensuring your artwork arrives ready to hang and enchant.
Matte Canvas, Stretched, 1.25"
Medium: Acrylic